Mondriaan Fund: This fund offers grants and subsidies to visual artists and cultural institutions, including support for individual projects, research, and international residencies.

Stroom Den Haag: They provide various grants and opportunities for artists, including project grants, residencies, and stipends.

Creative Industries Fund NL: Focuses on supporting projects in various creative fields, including design. They offer grants for research, experimentation, and development of innovative design projects.

Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK): AFK supports artists and cultural organizations in Amsterdam through project subsidies and development grants.

Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: This fund supports culture and nature projects, including grants for individual artists and organizations.

DutchCulture | TransArtists: Offers information on residencies and international opportunities for artists, including graphic designers.

European Cultural Foundation: Although not exclusively Dutch, they support artists and cultural change-makers across Europe through various grants and programs.

Fonds Kwadraat: Provides interest-free loans to artists, designers, and architects for specific projects.

Mondragon Fund for Young Talent: Focuses on supporting young talent in the visual arts through grants and awards.

Het Nieuwe Instituut: Offers research and development grants for designers and architects.

Prince Claus Fund: Supports artists in various fields through grants and awards, fostering cultural exchange and innovation.

Basis Amsterdam Fonds: Provides grants for artists and cultural projects in Amsterdam.

Provinciale Stichting Cultureel Erfgoed (PCE): Supports cultural heritage projects and artists in different provinces.

Fonds 21: Supports projects in various cultural disciplines, including design, with a focus on innovation and contemporary arts.

Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie: Focuses on cultural participation and offers grants for projects engaging communities in the arts.
thanks jelien <3